IUSB recognizes the following countries as predominantly English-speaking (see list below).
Undergraduate Applicants: If you have completed upper secondary school with at least three years of study in one of the countries listed below, this will be considered proof of English language proficiency for purposes of admission to an undergraduate program. Undergraduate students admitted to IU South Bend must still complete the English language and math skills placement exams required of all native-English speaking undergraduate students, unless otherwise exempt.
Graduate Applicants: If you have completed the equivalent of a US bachelor's degree in one of the countries listed below, this will be considered proof of English language proficiency for purposes of admission to a graduate program.
By country:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V-Z
- A -- Anguilla
- Antigua
- Australia
- B - - Bahamas
- Barbados
- Barbuda
- Belize
- Bermuda
- Botswana
- British Virgin Islands
- C - - Canada
- D - - Dominica
- E -
- F -
- G -- Gambia
- Ghana
- Grand Cayman Islands
- Grenada
- Guyana
- H -
- I -- Irish Republic
- J - - Jamaica
- K - - Kenya
- L - - Lethoso
- Liberia
- M - - Malawi
- Micronesia
- Montserrat
- N - - Namibia
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- O -
- P -- Phillippines
- Q -
- R -
- S -- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- St. Lucia
- St. Vincent & the Grenadines
- Swaziland
- T - - Tanzania
- Tobago
- Trinidad
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- U - - Uganda
- United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
- United States of America (except Puerto Rico)
- V - W - X - Y - Z - - Zambia
- Zimbabwe