
Experience IU South Bend for yourself

The best way to find out if IU South Bend is the place for you is up close, on a tour. We can't wait for you to check out the home of the Titans. Hope to see you around campus soon!

Showcase days

We invite prospective or admitted students and their guests to campus on the first Fridays of the month to learn more about admissions, financial aid, and student life!

2024-2025 Dates

October 4
November 1
December 6
February 7
March 14
April 4

Register for a Showcase Day

Saturday Tours

Does a weekend visit work better with your schedule? Join us on selected Saturdays at 10 a.m. EST for a 90 minute visit to campus. All prospective students will receive a free backpack. Registration in advance is required. 

Sign up for a Saturday Tour


Recorrido por el campus en Español los Sábados

Haga un recorrido por la Universidad y reúnase con un consejero de admisiones, ¡todo en español! Los tours comienzan a las 10:00 am EST y duran alrededor de 90 minutos. Por favor llegue al Edificio de Educación y Arte a las 9:45 am EST.

Regístrate aquí

2024 dates