Transferring Student Applicants

Thinking of transferring to IU South Bend?

Students who have begun study at another college or university and plan to complete a degree program at IU South Bend should apply as transfer students.

Those who have already completed course work as a degree-seeking student at IU South Bend or another IU campus should complete the process outlined further below on this page.

To complete your transfer student application file for initial review, please submit:

  • an application for admission
  • official transcripts from all of the colleges you have attended. If additional documents are required, an Admissions Counselor will contact you.

How will my credits transfer?

Core Transfer Library

To enable you to transfer college credits, Indiana has developed the Core Transfer Library (CTL) – a list of courses that will transfer among all Indiana public college and university campuses, assuming adequate grades.

Transfer Core Library

General Education Requirements

All students are required to complete General Education requirements. However, as a transfer student you may be exempt from certain General Education requirements.

Find out more

CollegeSource Online Transfer Database

This database features a robust listing of courses sorted by college/university name with established rules for transfer equivalency. If you do not see a course or your institution listed, you may provide your academic advisor with your syllabus and course information after you are admitted and we will review the course for potential direct credit.

CollegeSource Online Transfer Database

IU Credit Explorer

Credit Explorer will help you enter your course and exam credits earned at other schools to see which credits may transfer with you to IU.

See how your credit could transfer

Were you previously a student at Indiana University?

Students who are transferring back to IU South Bend after having once studied at IU South Bend may complete the Apply IU application.

Returning Student Process

Permanent Intercampus Transfer
Those seeking to continue or resume study at IU South Bend after attending another IU campus should complete the Apply IU application for permanent intercampus transfers.

Be sure to include mention of your former IU campus and indicate a future graduation date to ensure that the fee is waived.

Temporary Intercampus Transfer
Those who would like to take a course at IU South Bend as a temporary intercampus transfer can use the form linked here.

We're here to help

Our admissions counselors are ready to answer your questions...

You can earn college credit by examination and other prior learning experiences

Military Service

Your military training may equate to academic credit at Indiana University South Bend. If you are using VA education benefits, you are required to provide copies of your military transcripts and your DD Form 214 discharge documents to the Office of Admissions.

Veteran Student Resources

To access your military transcripts, please refer to the following resources:

To access your DD Form 214, please refer to the following resource:

Ivy Tech Partnership

Indiana University South Bend is committed to ensuring a quality education for all students in the Michiana Region. Not only do we offer exceptional educational opportunities here at IU South Bend, but we also have a remarkable partnership with Ivy tech Community College. Together, we believe we have what it takes to serve the students of Michiana.

More About These Opportunities

Ready to apply as a transfer student?

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